THANK YOU to our volunteers!

Last week, our three amazing volunteers completed their year of service with the ?! Careyes Foundation. Christina Buckner, Devra Traiman, and Preethi Raja arrived in Careyes last August to spend the school year with us. Since then, these volunteers all worked tirelessly to make our programs possible and were critical to the success of our team.

Community Bike Ride with Miguel Hidalgo Nuevo and Miguel Hidalgo Viejo

On March 3rd the Careyes Foundation Staff took on our final two villages of Miguel Hidalgo Nuevo and Miguel Hidalgo Viejo for a joint community bike ride. With our biggest group yet of 50 students and 12 parent volunteers, we set off into the gorgeous landscape of Miguel Hidalgo Viejo along the Rio. 

Cinema and Community Night with Juan Gil, Arroyo Seco, and Agua Caliente Vieja

At the end of February we completed our first series of educational movie screenings with visits from the final four villages that we serve: Francisco Villa on February 23rd, and the three smaller villages of Juan Gil, Arroyo Seco, and Agua Caliente Vieja on February 24th.